PMO Establishment, EPM Establishment, Developing Monitoring Dashboard, and Providing Project Management Services

Mahan Industries and Mines Development Holding
Tehran, Iran
PKP Contract Duration
PKP Scope:
PMO Establishment, EPM establishment, developing monitoring dashboard, and providing project management services
The Mahan Industries and Mines Development Holding, one of the largest investment companies, was established under the financial group of Tourism Bank. It was formed to invest in specialized projects in the country’s industrial and mining sectors. The holding includes 9 subsidiary companies and multiple projects in the steel supply chain. For improved project management, the establishment of the Project Management Office (PMO) for Mahan Holding was entrusted to PKP.
During the service delivery, the PKP team created all the required processes, procedures, formats, and databases. Furthermore, PKP piloted the procedures in selected projects, established the PMO team, and helped in selecting the PMO manager.
The PKP also provided services that included implementing Enterprise Project Management (EPM) software, creating online project monitoring dashboards, and providing training to ensure effective use by the employer’s teams.
The list of designed procedures includes:
- Instruction for developing the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and measuring project progress
- Instruction for developing and updating the overall project schedule
- Procedure for planning and controlling the execution of activities
- Procedure for project cost control
- Procedure for project risk management
- Procedure for calculating the progress of project’s contractors
- Contractors reporting instruction
- Instruction for preparing contractor invoices
- Procedure for reviewing and approving contractor invoices
- Procedure for project coordination and communication, and managing project meetings
- Procedure for project change control
- Procedure for project document coding and control
- Procedure for planning and controlling procurement
- Procedure for expediting procurement
- Instruction for reporting to stakeholders
- Procedure for E, P, & C coordination
- Procedure for documenting project lessons learned
- Procedure for contract closure
- Instruction for project budgeting
- Procedure for projects monitoring by the PMO
The services offered by PKP have empowered Mahan Holding to enhance project management, expedite project completion, and boost profitability.